SAU Presents: A Basic Guide to Vietnamese Herbs
If you’re new to Vietnam, then you’ll likely be confronted with a load of colourful Vietnamese fruits, as well as various kinds of street food. As part of your learning mission, discover the fragrant world of Vietnamese herbs with this SAU basic guide showcasing the secrets behind these aromatic wonders. Known as “rau thom” or fragrant leaves, herbs have been an integral part of Vietnamese cuisine for generations, infusing dishes with enchanting aromas and vibrant flavours. Each leaf complements the dish by adding a layer of flavour, holding the power to transform every simple meal into an unforgettable gastronomic experience, which is what makes Vietnamese cuisine unique.
Vietnamese herbs also play a significant role in traditional medicine, with a history dating back centuries. For example, Thai basil is revered for its medicinal properties, peppermint known for its soothing effects, and perilla leaf, cherished for its therapeutic value. Join SAU as we dive deep into the realm of Vietnamese herbs, unearthing their cultural significance, culinary applications, and medicinal virtues. Our comprehensive guide is a gateway to a world where every leaf tells a story, every aroma carries a history, and every bite is a celebration of Vietnam’s remarkable heritage.
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