SAU Presents: The Most Useful Apps in Vietnam
If you’re new to Ho Chi Minh City, or this is your first time in Vietnam, you’ll likely need to sign up for a new mobile SIM card. After that, consider adding these most useful apps into your phone whenever you are in Vietnam. Whether you’re traveling to Vietnam, or here as a resident and wanting to get the most out of your experience, these apps will help you deepen and enrich your daily life, from getting something to eat, to figuring out how you’ll pay, or where you’ll stay.
Also, do you need a starter guide to figure out the names of Vietnamese fruits or what those herbs on your plate are for?
From easy-to-use homecare apps, to all-in-one superapps that provide all the functions you need in your daily life, from useful services like motorbike taxis and public transport to food deliveries. Consider these useful apps like a “starter pack” if you’re in Vietnam for the first time. You’ll inevitably end up using either, or all of them at some point.
Do you like what you see so far? Our six-image format, also known as SAU, are all curated by locals and long term residents in Ho Chi Minh City, and you can tailor your own unique experiences in the city by mixing and matching from our various SAUs to create your own.
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